Blowing Bubbles In the House
Adam and Cindy found a birthday present for me at the county fair. They made the artisan disassemble several pieces and reassemble it into just the right necklace. Adam gave it to me last night. It is a rainbow bubble-blowing wand necklace, and it's just right for wearing around the house and blowing bubbles out into the street.
It even has directions for Super Bubbles!
- The Real Thing
4 parts Blue Dawn
Dishwashing Liquid
16 parts water
1 part glycerin or clear corn syrup
- The Short Formula
1 tsp Blue Dawn
Dishwashing Liquid
4-oz store-bought bubbles
In other news, I'm enjoying a book from Jacob's lending shelf, the last of Glen Cook's Black Company trilogy. One scene portrays a juvenile god, dwelling in the avatar of a tree, who calls the human protagonist "Ephemeral." Isn't that a great way to refer to a human?
Mortal. Transient. Ephemeral.
Have I mentioned Agent Andrew, the new literary agent candidate? He emailed me a nice letter, has good credentials displayed on his agency's website, and offered me three character references. I spoke to one yesterday. Mary is a novelist, and she related her sad history of Literary Agent experiences.
One published her first novel, but gradually stopped returning her phone calls. Another worked 2 years and didn't sell her book. A third cost her money without ever doing anything for her. He charged for photocopies, insisted on innumerable rewrites, and made her drop $800 on a book doctor after the first round of 6 rejections. Then he asked her to give up this novel and try something new. She screwed up her courage and told him the contract was off. And again she tried to interest a good literary agent, one like John Grisham's. Turns out it's hard to get a good agent.
She researched Publisher's Weekly, wrote to five agencies, and Andrew was the second one who answered her letter. That was two years ago, when he was first starting out as an agent. He was enthusiastic about her novel, after all her first book had great reviews. He gave it a comprehensive editing. After two years, she just last week signed a contract for 10K! Sounds good to me, although Mary herself wasn't impressed. Her friend got a $3,000,000 advance on her first book.
And there's more! Immediately after the contract was sealed, Andrew contacted their film associates to see if they were interested. Suffice it to say that reference Mary is completely impressed with Andrew.
Currently Mary is shopping her own work,
to Cosmo Magazine: "Dates from Hell."
20 October 1999
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