DAY 45. Jump Start
Saturday, 31 August 2002
Today Denny came to visit the squirrels! She held all three, and fed Rock a dropper full of formula. She says they are a little bit smelly, but they are very cute. After they ate their milk, they
Today the squirrels had their first long "play period." They are learning to stand on all four feet and jump! They can leap and turn 180 degrees, and face backwards quicker than you can blink. Rock loves to climb. He knows how to find to the second story, and he has even reached the top of the cage! Scissors loves to sit on top of the Raffia pot, and gnaw on it. Paper is partial to sitting on top of the purple twine ball.
Their tails are gaining mass rapidly, and now sport attractive white, bushy hairs!
Paper slurps his dinner with loud smacks of his lips. Rock is the neatest eater, spilling very little formula. Scissors is the messiest, and usually sneezes formula hither and yon.
Rock, Paper, and Scissors slept soundly after their exciting visit with Denny.
A baby possum came to the front door tonight. Jacob gave the possum a saucer of milk. The baby possum happily drank his fill. Jacob says that the animals have marked our house as an easy target!
