DAY 36. Growth Notes
Thursday, 20 August 2002
The squirrels like their new heating blanket, especially asleep in the dark, curled beneath a towel. They wake up and eat every few hours, squirm into a comfortable position, and fall asleep again. They sleep all night long without waking up. They really appreciate the warm new heating blanket!
Newborn squirrels can only curl their tails towards their stomachs. Rock learned to carry his tail over his back two days ago. Paper learned yesterday. Little Scissors learned this morning! Even though they are different sizes, they seem to learn at about the same time. It's important for a squirrel to have a flexible tail because it is helpful for balance while running and jumping.
Rock, Paper, and Scissors are beginning to walk, so they are beginning to use their tails. The stand up shakily, on all four feet, and scramble along for several minutes. But they soon tire. Then they use their forefeet to pull their bodies into a dark place, which is often underneath a sibling.
Rock began to open his eyes tonight!

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